
**UPDATE** Pre-Rain Dragonwell 2015 from Red Blossom Tea

I tried again with a gaiwan to see if it made any difference. This tea is still best after it's first steep and falls off quickly from there. The gaiwan did enhance the concentration of the flavor of the first steep and displayed the same color, aroma and taste as above. The 2nd steep is decent and by the third I wasn't tasting much more than the nice finish I got from the first steep. I would say if you can use a gaiwan to brew this do it. The first steep is good and has a great aroma and taste but I wouldn't plan to do a session with this tea. I'm going to give what I have left to others and have them try it. I have the next two reviews for the Red and White teas in this sampler almost ready to go and you should seem them both over the next couple of weeks,

Some pictures from the session:

I followed the weight recommendations list on Red Blossoms site.

The leaves look great after one steep and the taste was great.

Even the vibrancy of the leaves lost something on steep 2.

The second steep lost a lot of flavor and aroma.

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